
The Chair's Statement

Hazlemere Parish Council Chair’s Statement 2022/23

I would like to thank my fellow Parish Councillors for electing me as Chair of Hazlemere Parish Council for this year. I am honoured to have Paul Fleming as my Vice-Chair.

Thank you to Councillor Jane Baker for being the Chair for the last couple of years, it has been busy period particularly during the Pandemic. Jane will continue to serve the Council as a Parish Councillor helping on the Neighbourhood Plan but particularly taking on the Wellbeing Working Party.

This year will be another busy year.  Planning seems to dominate much of what we are doing now, and we are busy completing our Neighbourhood Plan (Planning Strategy Committee).  Additionally, we are heavily involved in Planning decisions across the Parish including major applications affecting land to the both the east and west of the Parish (Tralee Farm and Terriers Farm) – Planning Committee.

We also have:

Climate Change Working Partyfocussing on how to get the Parish Council to Net Zero by 2030

Open Space Committee – to review and plan for work to be done on our Open Spaces right across the Parish, this includes our play areas.

In addition to the time that all our Parish Councillors give up we have a team working out of the office, the Clerk, Ali Banham; Clerk’s Assistant Rachel Freeman; Head Warden Dave Hibbert and Administrative Assistant Janet Collins.  Most work part-time so the office is not always manned but all emails and calls are responded to.

We can also be contacted on our new website – www.hazlemereparishcouncil.gov.uk as well as through Facebook and Instagram.

Catherine Oliver

Chair Hazlemere Parish Council

November 2022

Your Parish Councillors

(In alphabetical order)

The original Member Interest Forms are held in the Office and are available by contacting The Clerk.

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