
Hazlemere Climate Emergency Working Party (CEWP)

Hazlemere Parish Council has declared a climate emergency and has set up a Climate Emergency Working Party (CEWP). Please explore the side toolbar for more information on the range of projects we are running, with help from volunteers in the community.

In February 2020 Hazlemere Parish Council declared a climate emergency, set a net zero 2030 target and set up a working party to consist of local residents and Parish Councillors. The Working Party, under Chairmanship of Parish Councillor Ed Gemmell, meets three to four times a month to work on a variety of climate and environment related projects and to discuss the strategy for reaching net zero 2030 and further projects that should be undertaken locally. More information of the current projects can be read about in detail by navigating through the toolbar on the left.  If you have particular expertise relevant to any areas, would like to register as a volunteer for all climate/biodiversity projects or a specific initiative then please get in touch with us as we need help on all projects.

If you are young person we would love to welcome you to join the Youth Group.

More Climate Emergency Work

Climate Emergency TreesClimate Emergency Rainbow LeavesClimate Emergency Green Shoot

The Hazlemere CEWP is made up entirely of volunteers and we need your help to launch more climate emergency projects. Please offer your expertise and/or your time to help us get Hazlemere to net zero and revive our local biodiversity.

Among the projects we would like to launch are the following:

  1. 2030 Net Zero Plan for Hazlemere
  2. Local Transport programme car clubs, cycling, EV charging points etc.
  3. Community food growing scheme
  4. Parish litter reduction
  5. Thing Library and repair hub
  6. Food waste reduction/food education
  7. Plastic and packaging reduction

To offer your help with any of these please projects please contact us.

Bee Squared Project

“BEE SQUARED” is an exciting new project envisioned by Hazlemere CAN. We invite you to join us in brightening up Hazlemere and helping our bees and other pollinators which have massively declined over the past 50 years. In Hazlemere we are determined to stop this decline and help our wonderful natural friends. Bees are vital to both pollinate the food we need to survive and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife. We need to introduce more bee-friendly plants at regular intevals around the area, which is why we our launching our brand new community project, Bee Squared.

Learn more about the Bee Squared Project

Be Squares

The Sponsor

The Bee Squared project was completely paid for by the kind donations of our sponsor. Thank you very much to our sponsor Wye Partnership.

Thank you to our volunteers who will be distributing the bags of seeds to our community!

Wildflower Meadows

In connection with the Bee Squared project we are creating further larger wildflower areas on Parish Council owned land with a pilot project being started on Brackley Road – thank you to the wonderful residents for supporting this.

Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle

If you need to recycle then we want to help you!

We have embarked on an ambitious advanced recycling project with aim of expanding in the future. In April 2021 the scheme was launched with the first drop off points at the Hazlemere Community Centre on Rose Avenue. The first items are all those accepted by Terracycle and include the following:

  • Home hygiene flexible packaging
  • Hasbro toys and games
  • Marigold gloves and packaging
  • Phillips dental care
  • Pantene refill packs

Find out more about Advanced Recycling in Hazlemere.

Lowering our carbon footprint

We need to lower our carbon footprint in Hazlemere and fast. HCEWP is working to help the Parish Council get itself to net zero as soon as possible with an initial five step plan.

The working party is also looking at further energy and carbon reduction projects which can be initiated in the whole community. If you have expertise in this area please get in touch.

More details about energy and carbon reduction projects.

Hazlemere Climate Talks

On the first Monday of every month, we organise a Hazlemere Climate Talk. In the past these talks have covered: Heat Pumps, Community Energy Schemes, Nappy Libraries, Energy Saving Measures, Sustainable Fashion, Bees, Rewilding and Buckinghamshire Council’s Climate Change Strategy. Upcoming talks include

  • Greatmoor Recycling Plant with Jez Elkins (5 July)
  • Wind Turbines with James Ingram (2 August)

Everyone is welcome to join and if you have a suggestion for a talk, please let us know!

More details about the Hazlemere Climate Talks.